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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 10, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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americans thousands of afghans work together every day. of all the troops killed, one out of three were killed by someone in an afghan uniform. how are these attacks affecting troop morale? what is the u.s. doing about it? >> reporter: even though these don't occur all the time and they're small numbers, they have an exponential effect on morale. the people they are partnering with my be a threat to them. they have assigned guardian angels who's job is to look out for american troops whoo ill working with the afghans.
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also under cover agents are put in tory to fill out some of the recruits to see if they have extremist views. >> appreciate it very much. top of the hour. a giant sink hole is getting so big and dangerous 150 houses had to be evacuated. let's take a look at this. those trees that you see there, those trees that surround the hole are 100 foot cypress trees, giant trees. here are some of the numbers. the hole is 50 feet deep. in one corner it goes down more than 400 feet. this is not something you want sneaking up in your backyard.
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general, nip idea what is skauzing this thing to suddenly start growing? >> that is the big question. this iss turned out from curiosity and concern to seeing bubbles and having tremors going back two to three months ago to what is a sink hole. this has turn into a major science problem. to figure out using good science what's causing this sink hole to occur. >> you know it's easy for people going out to check it out and maybe some people are joking about it. there's serious concern here. i want you to here from a couple of the evacuees. >> the deputy forced you to leave.
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it was a bit alarming. >> they are worried about their belongings and housing. nobody knows what's happening. it stays on your mind. you don't rest. >> absolutely, general. they still don't know. what do you tell these people? >> that a lack of confidence right now that the local people having with the information or information they have not received from the company responsible for the nearest salt dome to this incident. there are 12 wells within the area of this sink hole. they are to have to figure out few it's the texas brim salt
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dome violated or is it an old well. the problem we have in louisiana, we've got about 13,000 of these abandoned wells throughout the states that still need to be mitigated because they are polluted parts of the state of louisiana and that is between big oil, our biggest employee here in louisiana and the government working through legislation and level channels. that's a bigger issue. it's for deq and dnr, director of natural resources to figure out what's gng on. strangely enough our director of natural resources resigned yesterday. >> the official who is calling this is a potential catastrophe not exaggerating, general? >> not exaggerating.
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the statement is that his resignation is not related to the incident. this is causing confidence in the people. these are good people. they are survivors of katrina, rita as well as the bp oil spill in the affected area. they are well trained in that parish. they have a strong leadership. they know the routine and how to di deal with disaster, but the people there have lack of confidence. right now the deq, the director of environmental quality has put out sensors and established a red zone around this sink hole because they are concerned about the quality of air and it's coming out of that sink hole. >> thank you. 320 feet across, 50 feet deep and 400 feet down from one
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corner. thanks again. we'll check back with you. for two years some people in tennessee have bitterly fought plans to build a mosque. today the center opens. the first prayer was held there moments ago. there's been lawsuit, bomb threats, protests and vandalism saying not welcome. in spite of it all, county officials decided to grant a temporary occupancy permit. bond has been granted for the man accused of taking weapon sboos a movie theater. he had a loaded.9 mm handgun. he had three fwhooiknives in a carried into a theater. he pleaded not to 21 counts.
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he says he was carrying the weapons for protection. stunning video of a bin laden style raid on a mansion. you'll hear who was inside. take a look at the army's newest piece of technology. they are calling it the all seeing blimp. what?! you've got to be kidding me. [ derek ] i've never seen a road like this. there's jaggerock all the way around. this is really gonna test the ats on all levels. [ derek ] this road is the most uneven surface, and it gets very narrow. magnetic ride control is going to be working hard. the shock absorbers react to the road 1,000 times a second. it keeps you firmly in control. whoa! [ male announcer ] the all-new cadillac ats.
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it's longer than a football. taller than a seven story building. it's the u.s. army's newest piece of technology. this is the long endurance, multiple intelligence vehicle. it had its debut flight over new jersey. that was earlier this week. that's pretty. susan kelly in washington. i can't get my eyes off of that thing. what do you know about this all seeing blimp? >> i know it's a really good tool against bad guys. that's what the military is saying. i just spoke with them a few minutes ago on another story with admiral william falon. he said they are effective because they give a wide range of things you can see on the ground. when bad comes in and leave you
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can track their movements. that's what makes this so effective. they build three of these things for just over $500 million. they can hang out in the air for 21 days straight. they don't have to come down and refuel. 21 days of constant surveillance. you can see why in place like afghanistan something like that might be helpful. >> that's pretty sexy. i like that thing a lot. >> it's cool. >> any clues as to when they will deploy? >> not yet. they are still doing testing in new jersey right now which might be freaking out the people in new jersey because of the size and the pictures you saw. they're not quite sure when it's going to be deployed yet. the idea, they had this first 90-minute test flight. the idea was to go up with two pilots. they like for this thing to be unmanned. if you're up there for 21 days, doesn't sound like a great assignment. >> i wonder how much ufo calls
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they got? >> that's a good question. >> you look like you're computer general ra generated right now. >> you've seen our website right, you can real more about this story. there's another story that one of our producers put up that's got a new robotic thing. if you're into national security it's the place to be. >> rap on. pretty schocool stuff. thanks. a bin laden style raid goes down at mansion of a sought afterinternet kingpin. the target of the raid, this man. mega up load founder kim dotcom. accusations that he denies as authorities shut down his website. as far as the raid is concerned, the high court is listening to arguments today on whether new
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zealand police went too far. i want you to watch this now. >> ground units. gates are open. >> reporter: for the first time we can show you the police assault from the air and moments later how they closed in on the mansion from the ground. >> mr. dotcom has been shown the warrant. >> reporter: special tactics group backed by dog handlers made their way inside. you hear the moment they found their target, kim dotcom. >> located target in safe room. >> located target. >> reporter: today police were pushed on whether the decision to use the top police response teams was appropriate. >> we had concerns about security staff and the motivation to resist police executing the warrant in
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motivation to protect mr. dotcom. >> reporter: he was found in the manage. police asked him to show them his hands but he didn't. it took several officers to push him to the ground but they denied he was kicked and punched. >> there was no time for that to happen. >> reporter: one officer wearing boots didtand on his hand but said it wasn't intentional. more police officers are expected to have evidence. >> all right. in that raid, police seized computer, hard drive, phones, nearly everything that can store digital information. also note that the high court ruled the search warrants in the raid invalid. mpblt take a look at this video. it's from john camp bet of news 3 knew sonew zealand.
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the button opens this door to the red room. >> it took police 13 minutes to find him here. >> on the day of that raid his pregnant wife was inside the home along with their three children and other guests. news three reports the commotion caused her to have contractions which sent her to the hospital. you know about google earth but how about google mars. nasa shows off how close they got to landing rover on a bulls eye from 350 million miles away. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t.
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. it's definitely one of nasa's ambitious missions in years. the mars rover sending back impressive images. i keep saying that because those images are impressive. what's also impressive, john zarella's reporting and just how he is geeked up about this. he's a space geek. john, we have heard of google earth. now they are talking about google mars. you're standing in front of the rover. is that the same size as the one they sent up? >> that's it. it's an exact duplicate as far as the size goes. the one we show eed everybody a couple of days ago was the
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actual engineering model which they used to test everything out. this is just a model. it doesn't do anything. i looks pretty an sits here. you're talking about that google mars that they showed today. that was at the press conference here where all entry dissent team showed up. they talked about the fact that they traveled 350 million miles, half way around the sun almost to get to mars. then they literally were within one mile of the entry point into the atmosphere. they hit every one of their marmark mar marks. the heat shield coming off on time. the rate of dissent slowed by the parachute exactly how much they wanted it slowed. they showed that as well using that google mars image. here is something that, don, i
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want you to pay close attention. i want you to look at this wheel. >> we're watching. >> you see dot dot and then the dash. nasa was reluctant to let the folks put jpl stickers all over it up there. that's morse code for jpl. that's going to be the next thing. >> you know, john, not even on twitter. people will be ordering tires like that. people will want that on the soles of their shoe, beach sandals. all of that. >> every time the wheel turns it's jpl, jpl. it's pretty cool. >> i mentioned google mars.
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are they streaming images back through google mars? >> what they were doing is they were using, google mars image and they were tracing the dissent and exactly how they hit on the surface of mars and they use that whole google mars imagery which is spectacular stuff. they landed within a mile and a half of the exact point on mars. that's pretty good. >> pretty cool. the new thing. the rims are out. spinners are out. it's going to be tire prints. personalized tire prints. i predict that. thank you, sir. a community demanding answers after a man handcuffed in the back of a police car dies from a gunshot.
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police say he shot himself but the feds are now investigating that claim. cnn has done some digging of our own. have you seen this road we're going down? ♪ there is no relief for the brakes. we'll put them to the test today. all right, let's move out! [ ross ] we're pushing the ats brakes to the limit. going as fast as we can down the hill. we are making these sharp turns, slamming on the brembo brakes. [ derek ] it's like instant response, incredibly consistent. this is the challenge, machine vs. mountain. [ male announcer ] the all-new cadillac ats. here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight,
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try new purina cat chow healthy weight. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight, [siri] sirianother busy day are you serious? [siri] yes i'm not allowed to be frivolous. ah ok, move my 4 o'clock today to tomorrow. change my 11am to 2. [siri] ok marty, i scheduled it for today. is that rick? where's rick? [siri] here's rick. oh, no that's not rick. now, how's the traffic headed downtown? [siri] here's the traffic. ah, it's terrible, terrible! driver, driver! cut across, cut across, we'll never make it downtown this way. i like you siri, you're going places. [siri] i'll try to remember that.
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in jonesboro, arkansas are demanding answers. they want to know how a bullet wound ended up in his head in the back of a police car. hundreds of people came to a candle light vigil to honor him and his family. some people carried signs. what really happened? it's a question the fbi is now investigating. >> reporter: no one is disputing that chavis carter died from a gunshot to the head while in the backseat of a police car. the question is who pulled the trigger. police say he committed suicide.
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>> quite frankly i've seen om of our people in custody do amazing things. >> reporter: carter's mother doesn't buy it. she believes police killed her son. >> i think they killed him. my son wasn't suicidal. >> reporter: at this point it's still debatable and still under investigation. 21-year-old chavis carter was handcuffed at the time the shot was fired doubled up behind his back. >> is it possible to be handcuffed behind your back and somehow pull the trigger on a gun that you weren't holding? >> the average person that's never been in handcuffs, that's never been around inmates and people in custody would reac the same way that you just did about how can that be possible? is well, it's very possible and it's quite easy. >> reporter: chavis carter and two others were pulled over july 29th for driving suspiciously. the first officer called for
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back up. then the two of them questioned and searched the three men in the truck. when officers first searched carter they say they found a small amount of marijuana and some small plastic bags. they did not find a gun. according to the officers, carter was placed in the backseat of one of the police vehicles. at that point he was not handcuffed. it wasn't until later when the officer searched the suspect's vehicle and found drugs like electronic scales and large bag of white powder that they patted down carter again. they placed him in the same police vehicle's backseat only this time he was handcuffed. it's a mystery to many including the fbi who is looking into it. >> they find a small bag, $10 worth of marijuana but they miss a gun? >> apparently.
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>> is that disappointing to you? >> yes. >> reporter: the two men with carter who were white were released but carter was held back after the officers who were also white discovered he had given them fake name and there was warrant for his arrest in mississippi where he had skipped out on a drug diversion program. the chief says his officers don't know when the fatal shot was fired even though they were just feet away. according to this incident report one of the officers heard a loud thump with a metallic sound but thought it came from a vehicle that ran over a piece of metal. >> don't your officers know the sound of a gun being fired? >> one would think. when those guns are in a confined space like the rear of a police car, it would be very different. >> reporter: it wasn't until the officers were about to leave when police say one of them smelled something burning in his vehicle. the chief says it was likely gun smoke. that's when police say the officer found chavis carter
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blo bloody and slumped over. he died at the hospital. his mother says it just doesn't add up. she told reporters her son was shot in the right side of the head but she points out she was left handed. police would only say he was shot in the head. >> they searche him twice. i just want to know what really happened. >> reporter: she says her son called his girlfriend from the scene to tell her he had phoned her from jail, which to her raises the question does that sound like someone planning to commit suicide. supporters have held vigils. like many, they wonder what motive carter had to kill himself, a $10 bag of marijuana. white powder that hasn't tested for drugs, an outstanding warrant. we asked the chief about the allegations, that one of his
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officers pulled the trigger. >> you say you've ruled that out in your investigation? >> at this stage of the investigation that's a remote possibility. we haven't excluded everything, but i feel confident that's not what it is. i certainly understand how she might feel that way. >> reporter: there's dash cam video from that night but the trouble is it doesn't show the moment the gun was fired. that's because the two police cars were parked trunk to trunk so the dash cam didn't capture carter sitting in the backseat. police have not released the video but have already reconstructed what happened using a duplicate vehicle. they are waiting for the autopsy to be finished to see if what they visualize happened is consistent with the autopsy results. >> thank you very much. it's trade most people
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wouldn't make, a kidney for an ipad. nine people are waiting to hear their faith after being accused of helping one teenager sell his kidney. west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at
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i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing.
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nine people are awaiting their verdict after helping a teenager sell one of his kidneys to buy an ipad and an iphone. only a fraction of the proceeds went to the 17-year-old and after the surgery he suffered from kidney failure. do prosecutors believe doctors and nurses took advantage of this teen? >> that's what they are saying. they are believing that doctors and nurses, which we all know are sworn to protect life and do no harm took advantage of this young boy at 18 years old and basically encouraged him to undergo this procedure, which was illegal.
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unfortunately, he wasn't into renal failure. >> the likelihood of them being found guilty is high. 99.9% of people who stood trial in china in 2010 were found guilty. do we know what kind of sentence they could face? >> well, in increasing years china's sentences have become more and more harsh. that's could be looking at anywhere from three to ten years. given the fact that the prison sentences have become a lot more harsher, they may be given more. >> thank you. we really appreciate it. >> you're welcome. spike lee's new movie premiers in new york. it deals with a subject that's more than controversial. it's chilling. he summed it up with a few blunt words of critics of 16-year-old
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gold medal winner, gabby douglas. >> i made a film in 1988 called "school daze." ♪ see if i care >> why are people slamming gabby today? the first african-american to ever win a gold medal in gymnastics and what are people focusing on? >> overall? >> i'm asking you a question. >> her hair. >> what did it come out, '88. what year is this? >> we're still talking about this. the first african-american woman to win a gold medal in olympics. >> not in olympics. ? the overall. as an individual. >> the fact remains is she won a gold medal high pressu.
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he's 16. we're focusing on her kitchen. her naps. why doesn't she have a weave? come on now. please. we're going backwards. >> the people who don't want to talk about it are black women. don't talk about that because that's not important. she's a 16-year-old girl, but those are the people -- >> who are the people put on full blast for that? it's not white women. it ain't the brothers. >> since he went there, i did too. next, i asked spike lee whether he is what his critics say a racist and a race baiter. [ beeping ] in here, data knows what to do. because the network finds it and tailors it across all the right points, automating all the right actions,
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to bring all the right results. [ whirring and beeping ] it's the at&t network -- doing more with dat to help business do more for customers. ♪ mpblt here on helpdesk today we're talking about buying a home. doug, listen to your question.
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>> rent taking up a good chunk of your salary, how do you save for a house? >> how do you save? isn't that the age old question? >> i think it's great that someone who is renting wants to buy a home. the average home in the u.s. is around $200,000. with having to put down 20% now and closing cost, you probably need 50 grand on an average home. you really have to look at taking a roommate or a second job, moving back in. whatever you need to do to save up the money for down payment. likely you can afford the monthly payment, it's the down payment that gets in your way. you really need to do anything to get there. when you're looking for a home, look for perhaps like a legal two family. you can use that income towards qualifying and rent out half the house and cover a lot of the expenses. a lot of people don't look that the route as the first way to get in. if you don't have a big family you can share that house. that's great way to get started. the trick is you need a down
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payment and you need anything to get there. >> anything you want to add? >> if you're handling the current rent then uch to think this is the number i can afford. when the rent comes up maybe downsizing for a little while so you can put that extra aside to start saving. any good savings plan should start with eking out 5, $10 into a savings account. >> if you have an issue you want our experts to tackle, up lead 30-second video to our helpdesk. people with a machine. what ? customers didn't like it.
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you can argue there may not be a more prominent, outspoken and direct film maker than spike lee. his new release is called "red hook summer," which opens today
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in new york. it's a topic he addresses in a lot of his films and one he isn't shy about confronting in a can did conversation about everything including race. spike lee talks about why we won't live in a post racial society and whether or not he is a racebater. >> there are people who say, i've heard a number of people say this. the new racism is a denial of racism. >> here is the best way to answer this question to what i've known and seen. this country made a great, one of the biggest steps when present barack obama put his right hand, on abra hamlin con's bible.
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i didn't drink the kool-aid because there were a ton of people who thought at that moment racism would disappear. like abracadabra, preso changeo, poof. why would it just disappear? i never thought that. a lot of people did though. this is going to be the defining moment and we enter the post-racial -- what's that word even mean? post-racial era where race does not matter anymore because we have an african-american president. come on now. >> what are you saying? >> it's still here with us. it might be in different shapes, different forms, different d disguises, but it's still here. >> one of the harshest things i've heard about you is you
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haven't been the only one they haven't said it about is you're a racist. what do you say about that? >> my ancestors were enslaved for 400 years. they call martin luther king, martin luther coon. i'm not trying to put myself on that level but any time, the kickest way, this is old trick. if quickest way a lot people feel is to call them a racist. that thing is old. >> the entire interview tomorrow night, spike lee 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. speaking of race in america, cnn take you inside hatred. you'll hear from a former skin head who is candid about why he left. attention. so we invented a warning
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you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward.
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hundreds of mourners pay tribute to the victims gunned down in wisconsin's sikh temple. people sobbed as they passed six
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wooden casketing containing the five men and one woman killed in sunday's rampage. today's public memorial took place in a high school gym. sikh musicians played a slow drum beat as people walked in. victims friends and families talked about the tragedy. >> i would like, i would request, i would plead all the sikhs should not be angry. do not give the temptation of reven revenge. remember this was caused by one misguided individual. the action don't represent the view. we are all children of god no matter what color or religion. please don't burn the american flags. america is not one person. america is not o only one race or one color.
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i'm american sikh and terrorism motivated by hatred has never been stronger. and that is precisely what happened here. an act of terrorism. an act of hatred. a hate crime. to the founding principles of our nation and to who we are as an american people. >> today police officers and sikhs hugged each other. remember, an officer was wounded in the fire fight with the gunman. earlier -- here's the video, cnn got an exclusive look inside the damaged temple. there is a lone bullet hole in a metal door frame. members say they won't repair that bullet hole. the fbi says the gunman was 40-year-old wade michael page, a former singer for a white
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supremacist rock band. cnn's brian todd talked with a former skinhead about life inside a white supremacist group. the former skinhead changed his racist views after a chance encounter at mcdonald's. >> reporter: arno michaels never met wade michael page, but says he can identify with him. >> i can identify with him because i was there. if it wasn't for things that -- very fortunate things that happened to me along the way and help i got from other people, many of whom i claimed to hate, i could have very easily ended up where wade page ended up on sunday. >> reporter: you could have done those killings? >> well, it's important to understand that wade page was living in this reality of terror that he had created. reporter: a similar reality michaels says that he'd created for himself for seven years as a white supremacist skinhead. remnants of that life inked on his left arm. >> the ruins below here are
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north ruins. and it says sort of a contraction of racial holy war. >> reporter: like page, michaels fronted a supremacist band. his was called centurion. he says his parents were not racist but that there was alcoholism and verbal abuse in his family, which made him want to lash out. by age 16 he was moving in skinhead circles in milwaukee. he estimates he violently attacked people of other races or religions about once a week for four or five years. what was the worst thing you did? >> i've beaten people and left them for dead. >> reporter: michaels believes that if wade michael page was anything like how he was, page was suffering in his final days. >> his day-to-day life was nothing but terror. everywhere he looked in the world around him, going to work, at work, getting home from work.
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everything threatened him. and when you are in that environment, there is no room for happiness. there's no room for joy. >> reporter: michaels says he attempted suicide twice. but in what can only be described as a twist in life, a seed was planted in arno michaels to change. it came in a place he wouldn't have figured from someone he never could have imagined. he'd started going to mcdonald's on paydays. he says he came upon an older, kindly african-american woman working behind the counter who greeted him warmly as she took his order. >> i was really kind of disconcerted. it was hard when black people were very kind to me when i was trying to hate them. >> reporter: once after getting a swastika tattooed on his middle finger, michaels went back into that mcdonald's. he found himself trying to hide the swastika from the lady.
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>> she looked at me and said i know you are a better person than that. that's not who you are. and i was just like, could i please have my big mac? and i got my food and went and ate it and i never went back to that mcdonald's. >> reporter: you ner never saw her again? >> never saw her again. but 20 years later i haven't forgotten that moment. >> reporter: it led him to move away from the groups and start his own. life after hate dedicated to helping people transition out of that existence. i asked michaels what he'd say if a supremacist was sitting across from him now contemplating a similar horrific act. >> i would challenge them to think about what happens after that. and to think about someone in their life who they love. >> reporter: michaels says his real slap in the face moment came after a friend of his was murdered in a street fight. he's convinced the temple shootings in wisconsin were a slap in the face moment for at
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least one person in a hate group somewhere. he says he desperately wants to help them start to climb out of that hole. brian todd, cnn, milwaukee, wisconsin. >> all right, brian. interesting report there. so how good are your job benefits? i bet they don't compare to what employees at google are getting. even after they die. you'll want to hear this next story. [ laughing ] not necessary. take the money. i'm not tang your money. besides i get great gas mileage. what's that? it's eassist. helps the engine run really efficiently. it captures energy that assists the engine... so i'm never guzzling gas. oh -- that's hippie talk. it's called technology dad... here take two dollars. take the money. [ male announcer ] the all new 37 mpg highway chevy malibu eco. from conserving fuel, to the technology that makes it happen. chevy runs deep.
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how well does your company, your job, take care of your family when you're long gone? i know it's not something we necessarily want to think about, but we probably should. and you may want to rethink that after alison kosik tells you what google offers in its death benefit plan. alison, lay this all out for us. >> yeah. it's hard to think of any company comparing to google. google's always been known for great benefits. the on-site dry cleaning, free haircuts, help with party planning, the list goes on and on.
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but the perks keep oncoming after the workers dies. in an interview with "forbes" laid out google's unusual death benefits. this is the first time this information is coming out. hold onto your hat. the deceased person's spouse gets 50% of their salary every year for the next decade. plus all of the deceased stock immediately and the worker gets $1,000 a month or 19 until they're 23. death is one of the most reliable facts in life. it wants to make things easier on surviving family members. don. >> only things that are certain, taxes and death. >> and death, yes. too bad, right? >> yeah. most companies make you wait a certain amount of time. you have to work there a certain amount of time before you're eligible. what about here? how long do you have to work for the company? >> that's another great advantage. everybody who works there, all 34,000 u.s. workers qualify. they're eligible right away. no financial benefit to google of course. they're just being nice. but it probl